The Intimacy Project
The Intimacy Project (IP) is a life-changing series of two-day retreats that introduce you to contemplative Christian practices which position you to become more aware of God’s presence and activity in your everyday life. Five to eight participants meet for five retreats (two days each) during a nine-month period.
Our next cohort of IP will be held online to accommodate folks who live too far away to participate in person, those with young children or other commitments that make being away overnight more difficult, and those who would appreciate not having food and lodging costs. We recognize that an online IP is different from the in person experience. And we know from past experience that an online cohort can experience just as much richness and goodness.
The 2025 online Intimacy Project retreats will be held:
January 18-19
March 8-9
April 26-27
June 21-22
August 9-10
During each retreat you will be introduced to a new set of contemplative practices, spend time in solitude and silence trying them out, and then process your experiences with the others in your cohort community, using a spiritually formative and emotionally safe group process.
The IP is much more than "learning information!” This experiential journey into your life with God creates space and time for your most important relationship to deepen. This journey with others leads to an experience of deep, healing community. It results in changes in your inner life with God and in yourself, which leads to changes in your outer life. This course speaks to your heart and spirit. Significant healing often occurs.
The IP is a great fit for those who:
are sensing there must be “more” to the spiritual life
are tired of "doing for God” and yearn for more closeness, more intimacy, or more freedom in relationship with God
are experiencing a dark night of the soul, any tumultuous season of the soul, or a significant life transition
know about various contemplative Christian practices but are not engaging them regularly and want support to integrate them into their daily, weekly, monthly, and annual rhythms
Topics Covered
Spiritual Streams and Pathways | Sacred Space | Presence | Journaling | Silence and Solitude | Stages of Spiritual Growth | Lectio Divina | Fresh Forms of Prayer | Daily Examen and Grand Examen | Longing and Desire | Spiritual Direction | Discernment | Creativity in Spiritual Formation | Embodied Spirituality | Sabbath and Retreat | Rhythm of Life
To Participate
Cohorts are limited to eight people. Our 2024-2025 in-person cohort is full. Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Online IP and will be considered in the order received. Please contact me if you are interested in applying for the 2025-2026 in-person IP.
Here’s what to expect after you complete an application:
A member of the IP Team will contact you to schedule a video call. During that call, we will share more about the IP and discern together if it is a good fit for you at this time.
After you accept an invitation to the IP, you will be asked to send a $200 non-refundable deposit to secure your place in the cohort. This counts toward the cost of the first retreat.
The cost for IP is $2000. Please don’t let that number scare you off immediately! We want the IP to be financially accessible to everyone, and we have scholarships available for those who need them. We also work with payment plans. In addition to 10 full days of retreat (five weekends), the $2000 includes weekly spiritual companionship via email (personal communication and feedback from the facilitators regarding your individual spiritual journey and growth), commonly rated as one of the most valuable and meaningful parts of the IP.
Mark your calendar for all retreats and plan for 3-4 hours per week for engaging with the spiritual practices, recommended reading, weekly email updates, and occasional reflection papers.
Questions about the application process or scholarships or payment plans or anything else? Feel free to contact me.