Spiritual Companionship
What's unfolding in your journey right now? I'd love to hear about whatever you’re noticing and to pay attention to it with you.
So many of us hunger to be held in loving attention and to be deeply heard. Spiritual companionship (also known as spiritual direction) is a space where that deep hunger meets my deep gladness. I know the goodness and healing power of being deeply listened to and find joy in offering that deep listening to others. I would be honored to look and listen with you for the presence and activity of The One Who Is Love within your journey.
What To Expect
One hour together (online via Zoom or in person at my home in Lancaster, PA)
An opening that may include lighting a candle (unscented) to symbolize God’s presence with us + some silence or a prayer or a reading or a guided embodiment practice
You communicating whatever you want to bring to our time together
Me listening deeply and without judgment and then asking you open-ended questions (Occasionally, I may offer observations or relevant concepts. Sometimes I suggest a new spiritual practice or something to read. This is never homework, simply an invitation you can accept or decline.)
A slow and meditative pace that may feel more like prayer than an ordinary social conversation
Space for slowing down, seeing, and savoring + room for crying and celebrating + time for reflecting, responding, perhaps resolving, or perhaps holding as mystery what remains unresolved
The opportunity to schedule another session (Most people meet with me once a month, others every two or three weeks, and a few every six weeks or as needed.)
A sliding scale of $60-$100 per session — you choose the amount that best fits your budget — payable through Cash App, ($NitaLandis), PayPal (@nitalandis), Venmo (@Lonita-Landis), or personal check made payable to Nita Landis. If $60 is prohibitive, please choose an amount that works for your situation. I don't want anyone who wants spiritual companionship to be without it due to financial constraints.
More About Spiritual Companionship
Spiritual direction is an ancient spiritual discipline in which one Christ-follower gives help to another in several ways:
paying attention to God's personal communication to him or her
responding to God
growing in intimacy with God
offering the healing and hope of your relationship with God into the world
Because the word “direction” makes it sound like one person is telling the other what to do, I prefer the term “spiritual companionship.”
I am committed to being a spiritual companion who nurtures my own intimacy with The One Who Is Love through a contemplative, unhurried lifestyle. I meet regularly with my own spiritual director and with a peer supervision group to ensure that I can offer you a space of quiet safety for exploring what is going on underneath the surface of your life.
Before he left the earth, Jesus said that he had much more to say to his followers, more than they could bear at the time. He promised that when the Spirit of Truth came, his followers would be guided into all truth. I seek to let this ongoing guidance from the Spirit set the direction of our interactions when you meet with me.
As you have read, Christianity is my spiritual home. That said, if you are engaging with a different spiritual framework or none in particular and feel drawn to working with me, I would be glad to journey with you.
My Style and Credentials
Deep listening and asking good questions are the heart of what I will offer you. Because I also have training in formational prayer (or inner healing prayer), I may sometimes suggest that we add safe place prayer, writing and reading laments, or processing wounding experiences to our journey together. Because I also have training in mental and emotional health and interpersonal neurobiology, I may sometimes offer concepts or practices from those arenas that I sense may be helpful to you.
My personal experience of recovering from two episodes of clinical depression and anxiety impacts my way of being with others. I tend to be tuned into your mental/emotional health as well as your spiritual health. I believe these dimensions of health impact each other in significant ways. I am also actively pursuing an understanding of trauma so that I can be sensitive to those whose stories include trauma.
Finally, my journey out of the legalistic religious context of my childhood into the wide expanse of grace and freedom also flavors my style of spiritual companionship. I have come to know God as Love and myself as one who is unconditionally loved. My belovedness is an unending source of joy for me and my source of energy for loving others well.
I hold the following credentials for the type of spiritual companionship I offer:
• Certificate in Formational Prayer, Ashland Theological Seminary, 2015
• Certificate in Spiritual Direction, Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction Year One, 2016
• Certificate in Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health First Aid, 2017
• Certificate in Spiritual Direction, Sustainable Faith School of Spiritual Direction Year Two, 2021
• Certificate, The Mindsight Approach to Well-Being: A Comprehensive Course in Interpersonal Neurobiology, Mindsight Institute, 2022
• Certificate, Trauma and Wellbeing in Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Directors International, 2023