a delicious list

About a month ago, I came upon a most delicious list of words. 

  • Calm.

  • Clarity.

  • Connection.

  • Creativity.

  • Courage.

  • Curiosity.

  • Confidence.

  • Compassion.

Just reading those words makes me feel good! Pondering each one brings an additional gift:

  • calm—a sense of safety and ease in my body

  • clarity—the refreshment of mental noise quieting and life coming into focus

  • connection—the joy of someone being glad to be with me

  • creativity—the satisfaction and hope of something new coming to be

  • courage—the energy that rises when I decide that someone or something is more important than my fear

  • curiosity—the wonder of a more spacious and gracious world

  • confidence—the inner strength that flows from knowing that I am loved no matter what

  • compassion—the beauty of wise action alleviating suffering

These “eight C’s,” identified by therapist Richard Schwartz, refer to the qualities that consistently emerged when his clients felt safe and momentarily free from the perspectives, feelings, memories, goals, and motivations of all their “parts.” Schwartz built his therapeutic model, Internal Family Systems, on his observation that people quite naturally refer to parts of themselves.

For example, you may notice within yourself an inner critic, a people pleaser, a resentful child, an irrepressible performer, a playful creative, a tender caregiver, one who absorbs responsibility, or any number of other parts. These parts function like “little people” inside of us.  And like the members of most families, they sometimes want different things and don’t always get along very well.

I have noticed that when all my various parts agree to be quiet for a bit, my True Self can emerge and begin to point me toward Life in all its Fullness. The human being I was created to be, the person who I really am given the image of God indelibly etched within me, knows how to mobilize for emotional and spiritual healing and growth, just as my body knows how to mobilize for healing and restored functionality when I cut my finger or break my leg.

I have noticed that as all my various parts surrender more fully to the care of The One Who Is Love, my life includes these beautiful realities in increasing measure:

  • Calm.

  • Clarity.

  • Connection.

  • Creativity.

  • Courage.

  • Curiosity.

  • Confidence.

  • Compassion.

 Which word on this delicious list are you most drawn to? How does that word connect with your life right now? What desire does it evoke? What invitation does it offer?


here and gone, gone and here


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